How Many Questions Can You Ask ChatGPT in an Hour?

AI has taken the world by a storm, and many people are wondering how many questions can you ask ChatGPT in an hour. This of course goes to show the dominant position OpenAI has in the field, since ChatGPT is all the rage right now. We will cover this topic from all the possible interpretations of this question, so no one is left behind. Feel free to jump to the particular OpenAI tool that interest you using the table of contents, or read the whole article to get a comprehensive understanding of all current limits. 

How Many Questions Can You Ask ChatGPT in an Hour
Summary Video: How Many Questions Can You Ask ChatGPT in an Hour

Brief Info On ChatGPT

ChatGPT was released on November 30, 2022 by OpenAI and they took the world by a storm. Everyone, including experts in the AI field were shocked at how advanced and human like the Chat bot was. Slowly but surely exposure of normal people grew and become one of the new hits on the internet. And why wouldn’t it? You could use it as an assistant. You could use it as a tutor. You could even use it as an employee and ask it to create stuff for you, from code to articles. The possibilities and we are truly at the forefronts of something amazing happening for us as humanity. Of course, the topic that this article covers, how many questions can you ask ChatGPT in an hour was a natural one for most power users. The chatbot uses some resources, and OpenAi needs to shoulder those. It is obvious that they would put some limitations on it, right? YES!

Different OpenAI Tools and their limits

So,  how many questions can you ask ChatGPT in an hour? The answer is – it depends. Which ChatGPT? To my knowledge, we have two main ones: ChatGPT and ChatGPT plus. Both of them have their own set of separate rules. Then we have the OpenAI API, which you can use to directly communicate with different tools that they provide, and it has its own limits. Though it is unlikely you are concerned with it, I will still cover it, so if a stray developer found my article, it will be useful to them.

How many questions can you ask ChatGPT in an hour?

If you are using the free version of ChatGPT, this paragraph contains your answer. For the ‘regular’, free ChatGPT, or ChatGPT 3.5 (all of them refer to the same tool), the answer is – you do not have a limit. That is to say, you do not have a limit set by OpenAi. However,  if you have used the chatbot for a while, you know that it sometimes takes its sweet time generating an answer, so logically you do have some sort of limit because of that. But if you were to ask it simple questions, that it could answer in let’s say 1 second… and it took you 1 second to ask them – a physical limitation that you would have is 1800 questions. (1 hour has 3600 seconds, and takes 2 seconds for us to go through a question / answer pair.) In reality, your limit will be a smaller number, since it is unlikely that you are asking that many questions, and ChatGPT is unlikely to be answering that fast anyway.

Can you bypass that hourly ChatGPT question limit for the free ChatGPT?

Again, there’s a physical limit that time gives us on how many questions we can ask, but this is not imposed by OpenAi.  If you want to bypass it and ask even more questions than physically possible, you can use a hack – open multiple chats and ask multiple questions at once. 

How many questions can you ask ChatGPT Plus in an hour?

how many questions you can ask ChatGPT Plus in an hour with a speed limit metaphor

ChatGPT plus is the premium version of ChatGPT, you pay 20$ a month and get access to an advanced chat bot, plugins, internet access and all sorts of goodies that make your experience better. Now by all accounts and reviews, ChatGPT Plus is much more advanced than its free version, and it uses more computing power. So even though you are paying, OpenAI have set limits on how many questions you can ask it for an hour. The actual limit is not hourly, but for 3 hours – you can ask up to 25 questions for 3 hours, and then the timer resets. So perceivably, you can ask 25 questions in one hour, then you can wait 2 more hours for the limit to reset.

Is the ChatGPT Plus limit per chat or for the whole account?

The limit is for the whole account, so you cannot bypass it by simply opening a new chat. 

Is there a way to bypass ChatGPT Plus limit?

The only way I can think of right now would be to buy multiple accounts and use them after you have reached the 25 question limit.

How many questions can you ask OpenAi GPT API in an hour?

Now this bit is for the developers out there, who are dabbling with the OpenAI API. The limits for the API is set in RPM – requests per minute, and it depends on the tier of your API user. For the CHAT functionality of the API, we have 3 specific users / limits:

  • Free trial users – the limit is 3 RPM – per hour this is 180 requests
  • Pay-as-you-go users (first 48 hours) – the limit is 60 RPM – per hour this is 3600 requests
  • Pay-as-you-go users (after 48 hours) – the limit is 3,500 RPM – per hour this is 210000 requests

Please note that this is just the request limit, there are other limitations in place that may determine how you interact with the AI. You can familiarize yourself with them though the OpenAI documentation on rate limits.

Aggregate table covring how many questions can be asked for an hour, for different open AI tools

Tool1 hour questions limit
ChatGPT Plus25
API Free Trial Users180 requests
CHAT API Pay-as-you-go users (first 48 hours)3600 requests
CHAT API Pay-as-you-go users (after 48 hours)210000 requests
Table answering how many questions can you ask ChatGPT in an hour, broken down by different tools


So, how many questions can you ask ChatGPT in an hour, really? Free version – unlimited by OpenAI, but you have to consider physical limits. ChatGPT Plus (paid version) – up to 25 in 3 hours, so for one hour the most you can ask is 25. API? Depends on the type of account you have. I hope this article was useful and clarified your questions – if you are unclear on something, or would just like to drop a line – please feel free to comment below!